LPG Passports come to an end

From the 1st January 2016

SLP will no longer issue LPG Passports to Drivers

For some time now SLP has been reviewing the viability of upgrading the old SLP LPG training and passport program to align with the SLP petroleum load training program. Due to the high cost in updating the LPG program combined with the small number of LPG drivers in Australia and the small number of LPG facilities that insist a SLP passport for driver entry; SLP has made the final decision not to go ahead and upgrade or continue to support the outdated LPG driver training program in Australia.

We have previously communicated with LPG loading facilities that participate in the SLP Passport program, and advised them that they will need to implement an alternative more cost effective and fit for purpose driver LPG training and approval program.

We ask that LPG transport operators communicate directly with LPG loading facilities regarding alternatives to the SLP passport for LPG drivers, and to communicate with their current training provider to arrange for appropriate alternative LPG training and verification of driver competency.

SLP regrets any inconvenience this may cause LPG drivers, transport operators and facilities, but we hope you can understand that we don’t wish to impose higher costs on the industry than is necessary.

Current LPG Passports will be considered by SLP as a valid recored of training and assessment until their expiry date; Please note this will be dependant on the individual loading facility and their decision to honour the SLP Passport and its expiry date.

If you have any questions please contact:

Lee Stringer
SLP Manager
[email protected]

2 replies
  1. David Blair
    David Blair says:

    Hello there,

    I would like find out the process of re sitting my SLP. I spoke with someone from SLP sometime ago when I was living in Roma, I am know living in Toowoomba, can I sit my SLP here or do I need to travel to Brisbane, and what would be the cost? And do you have any course dates.


    David Blair

    • Lee Stringer
      Lee Stringer says:

      Sorry for taking so long to come back to you! if you check out our SLP trainer page on our web site, you can locate a trainer close to you that will help you through the training and assessment process and also provide you with costs to complete the training. I am not sure if there are any trainers that work within the Toowoomba area but I am sure a Brisbane trainer can assist you, SLP don’t set training prices so each trainer may have a different cost to provide training.

      The SLP ID card application is as set cost of $103.00 for 2 years
      Lee Stinger SLP Manager

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